
Unlock flexibility with joule case leasinG solutions

Tailored energy solutions without the CapEx investment.

Why lease with Joule Case Energy Services?

Immediate Cost Savings

Avoid a large upfront capital expenditure.

Accelerated Deployment

Fast-track your projects with swift setup and mobilization.

Minimized Risks

Create predictability and lower financial exposure.


Fleet Charging

Large Generator Replacement

EV Charging

Emergency Response



Fleet Charging

Large Generator Replacement

EV Charging

Emergency Response



Fleet Charging

Large Generator Replacement

EV Charging

Emergency Response



Leasing with Joule Case

Ultimate Flexibility for Power Solutions

In today's ever-evolving landscape, flexibility is more than just an advantage it's a necessity. We understand that businesses, communities, and organizations have fluctuating needs and require power solutions that can shift as swiftly as they do.

So, why does flexibility matter?

Reduced Risks


Not locked into owning equipment that might soon be outdated. Leasing gives you the freedom to adapt to the latest innovations.

Adaptable Budgeting


Leasing allows you to efficiently manage your financial resources, adapting to budget constraints or expansions. No need for hefty, constraining upfront investments.

Scalable solutions


As your energy requirements grow or change, leasing ensures you can upscale or downscale with minimal friction.

Latest Technology


With leasing, you're always equipped with the latest in energy technology, keeping you ahead of the curve without constant capital expenditures.

Optimized Operations


React quickly to market or environmental changes, ensuring that operations are never hampered by rigid energy solutions.

The leasing process

Step 01

Discovery & Evaluation

Connect with our leasing experts to discuss your specific energy needs and understand our flexible terms. We'll assess your project's requirements and recommend the best Joule Case solutions tailored for you.

Step 02

Sign Letter of Intent

Take the initial step towards securing your equipment. Lock in your commitment and interest in leasing our solution, paving the way for the detailed negotiations and arrangements that follow.

Step 03

Leasing Agreement Executed & Deposit Received

Once you're satisfied, we finalize a leasing agreement that aligns with your project's timeline and budget. In this stage, we will work quickly to agree on a quote, acquire a purchase order, issue an invoice, and initiate a deposit.

Step 04

Fast Deployment

Receive your Joule Case systems within 90 days after a deposit is received. Our streamlined process ensures quick delivery and setup.

Step 05

Ongoing Support

From start to finish, our team is here to assist, ensuring your leased systems run smoothly and efficiently.

Step 06

End of Lease Options

As the lease term concludes, choose to return, renew, or upgrade, always keeping you at the forefront of energy technology.

With the flexibility of the Joule Case platform, if your needs change, you can seamlessly integrate more energy at any point in the process.

Ready to start?

Contact our Leasing Experts Today

Schedule a Call

by the numbers

Measurable impact

A 250kVA Generator produces over 2,000lbs of CO2 and requires more than $450 per 8-hour workday

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to start?

Contact our Leasing Experts Today

Schedule a Call

Knowledge is power ⚡️

We want to share the latest innovations and news with you.